Are you looking for a sample 5-month-old feeding schedule? That is smart because that's different from the feeding schedules for younger babies. Older babies can eat more in one feeding and stay asleep for longer. These affect how often they want and need to eat.
This article will teach you all you need to know about feeding 5-month and 6-month-old babies. Continue reading to start learning.

How Often Should You Feed Your 5-6-Month-Old Baby?
You should feed your baby when they are hungry. When they are showing signs, quickly respond so they will not be upset. Typically, that would be every 3 - 4 hours, which results in 4 to 6 feedings per day.
Here's how you can schedule those feedings:
- First feeding: when your baby wakes up.
- Second feeding: in the morning.
- Third feeding: midday.
- Fourth feeding: in the afternoon.
- Final feeding: before bedtime.
How about night feedings? It is a key element of 1-month-old feeding schedules. After every few hours, you need to wake up to feed your newborn. It is very tiring. Do you need to continue doing that?
Rejoice because you don't have to. At 5 months old, babies can stay asleep for more than 6 hours. You should not interrupt that for night feedings. The milk or formula you gave them during the day is enough sustenance. So, leverage this to get plenty of rest. You need it to have enough energy for the feedings on the next day.
5-6 Month-Old Baby Sample Feeding Schedule
Check this sample feeding schedule for a 5 or 6-month-old baby.
Important: Feed your baby with 6 ounces of breastmilk or formula every time. You can reduce the amount if you are introducing solids in that session.
8 a.m. - First feeding of the day.
11 a.m. - Lunch. Suppose your baby is 6 months old. You can start introducing solids. Offer them single-grain cereal or small amounts of vegetables or fruits. Follow that up with 4 ounces of milk or formula.
2 p.m. - Midday feeding.
5 p.m. - Afternoon feeding.
7 p.m. - The final feeding of the day.
Always remember that feeding schedules are not the same for every baby. So, it is okay if yours is different from this sample.
How Much to Feed a 5-Month-Old Baby?
They need around 24 to 32 ounces of formula or breast milk per day. With 4 - 6 feedings each day, you can easily achieve that. Give your baby 4 to 6 ounces per feeding to do so.
As much as possible, feed them 6 ounces every time. However, it is okay if they eat less in one feeding. If your baby is gaining weight as they should, there's nothing to worry about.
What Can a 5-6 Month-Old Baby Eat?
The AAP recommends feeding babies younger than 6 months old exclusively with breastmilk. Then, you can start introducing solid foods once they reach that milestone.
However, please note that the main source of nutrition will still be milk or formula. The introduction of solid foods is more for experience than for health. It will help ensure a smoother transition to solids. Also, it will help you figure out if your baby has allergies.
Look for signs that your baby is ready for solid foods before trying. Here are some signals:
- They no longer have the tongue-thrust reflex. This reflex makes them automatically push food out of their mouths.
- Your baby is interested in solid foods. The signs include attempts at reaching and grabbing solid foods and opening their mouths when you offer them some.
- Your baby should have good neck and head control. They should also be able to sit up on their own. These ensure the safety of your baby when they are eating solid foods.
It is always a good idea to consult your doctor to ask for a go signal. If they say you can, but your baby refuses, just give them a couple of days before offering solid foods again.
Should You Feed Your 5-6-Month-Old Baby at Night?

There is no need to feed your 6-month-old baby at night. What they eat during the day is enough to sustain them. That is especially true after the introduction of solid foods.
Furthermore, they are capable of sleeping for at least 6 straight hours. You should not disturb their sleep to feed them. They do not need the calories from night feedings to grow.
Your baby may wake up during the night. Please know that it is not because they are hungry. They are just used to eating at those hours. Consider not feeding them when they wake up. It gives them the opportunity to learn how to fall back asleep.
Tips and Tools for Feeding Your 5-6 Month-Old Baby
Feeding a 5-month-old or 6-month-old baby is a lot different from what you are used to. Several factors can affect the feeding schedule. For example, they can now take more ounces of milk in one feeding. It affects digestion time, and then feeding times. You need to keep up with these changes for your baby's sake.
Here are some tips for you to make the journey less stressful. These can help you navigate the challenges of being a mom of a growing baby. Find helpful advice on how to feed babies with solid foods and which products can make your tasks easier.
Use the Momcozy 6-in-1 Fast Baby Bottle Warmer.
Suppose you can't breastfeed at the moment. You can feed your baby with pumped milk or formula instead. However, you should warm them to mimic milk that's fresh from your breasts.
That said, you need an efficient baby bottle warmer. The Momcozy 6-in-1 Fast Baby Bottle Warmer is a perfect choice for that. It can warm milk or formula in just 2- 5 minutes and is compatible with many baby bottle brands! Also, you can use it to warm solid food! The best thing is that the technology in this baby bottle warmer prevents overheating. It helps preserve the nutrients in the milk and lowers the risks of burns.
Keep Your Feeding Products Sanitized with the Momcozy Bottle Washer
Sanitizing your feeding bottles, teethers, and pump parts is important for your baby's safety. But, like warming milk, it is quite time-consuming. We recommend using the Momcozy Bottle Washer to speed up the process. It features 26 thoughtfully arranged spray jets that allow for hands-free cleaning. Furthermore, it has 9 cleaning modes for different products. This device also automatically dries your feeding supplies.
Know the Proper Timing to Introduce Solid Foods
Your baby may still reject solid foods. But there are ways to make your baby more likely to accept them. Proper timing is the key. We recommend that you choose a time when your baby is neither tired nor cranky. Also, they should not be full already. You want them to be a little hungry but not too hungry.
Offer Single-Grain Cereal First
When you are introducing solid foods to your baby, start with a single-grain cereal. Have them sit on your lap or a high chair with support straps. This ensures their safety. Then, put iron-fortified infant single-grain cereal on a spoon. Add some breast milk or formula before offering it to your baby. Allow them to smell and taste it.
The cereal may end up on your baby's chin, their bib, the chair, or your thighs instead of in your baby's tummy. That is normal as, again, this is just their introduction to solid foods. They will learn how to eat after some time. Once they are accustomed, consider swapping the single-grain cereal with single-ingredient puréed meat, vegetables, or fruit.
5-Month-Old Feeding Schedule FAQ
Here are some FAQs other parents ask regarding 5-month-old feeding schedules.
Can a 5 Month Old Drink Water?
They can, but they should not. They should still consume only breast milk or formula, preferably only breast milk. At 6 months, you can give them small amounts of water. Boil the water first and then cool it before offering it to your baby. Never skip this step.
How Many Ounces Should I Be Feeding My 5-Months-Old Baby?
At 5 months, medical experts advise that you give them 4 - 7 ounces of breast milk or formula for each feeding. It allows them to reach the total amount needed for one day through 4 - 6 feedings.
How Many Times a Day Should I Feed 5-Month-Old Solids?
Zero. Your 5-month-old baby should still be exclusively on breast milk. Formula is an okay option if you can't breastfeed due to specific reasons. However, you should not feed them with solids. Wait for your baby to reach 6 months old before introducing solids into their diet.
How Long Can a 5-Month-Old Go Without Feeding?
A 5-month-old baby can sleep for at least 6 hours up to 11 hours straight at night. With that being the case, you don't have to think about night feedings much.
On the other hand, you should feed them every 3 to 4 hours during the day. Again, watch for hunger cues and feed your baby whenever they show these signs. That is better than following strict feeding schedules.
Can You Drop Night Feeds for 5-Month-Old Babies?
Not entirely. Your baby can stay asleep for longer and they are getting enough nutrients from their daytime feedings. But that applies more to 6-month-old babies. Younger babies still need additional support. Once they reach 6 months, you can start night weaning, especially if your baby is formula-fed.
5-month-old feeding schedules and 6-month-old feeding schedules are quite similar. They are only a little different because of the changes in your baby's diet. At 6 months, you can start giving them solid foods and water. Before that, feed your baby with only breast milk or formula. These can affect the feeding frequency or the amount of milk or formula you give them.
Compared to feeding schedules for 1 - 2 month-old babies, though, these schedules are very different. Younger babies need night feedings, so you won't be able to enjoy straight sleep. Meanwhile, at 5 and 6 months old, your baby will be able to sleep for several straight hours without feedings in between.