Milk is very important for a baby's sustenance and growth. It is their only food for several months. But what if they are spitting up the milk due to GER or acid reflux? It can be a huge problem. The milk does not stay in your baby's stomach. As a result, they can't absorb its nutrients.
Expectedly, you'd want to find solutions. This leads to questions like, "Does warm milk help with acid reflux in babies?" Continue reading to find out.

What Triggers Acid Reflux in Babies?
Many things can trigger acid reflux in babies. We have listed the common causes below:
The most common cause is an intolerance to a protein in cow's milk. If that is not the case, your baby may have GERD or pyloric stenosis. In this condition, the muscular valve that lets food exit the stomach and enter the small intestine has thickened. It causes food to go back up.
You must also not forget that a baby's body is still developing. For example, the lower esophageal sphincter is looser than it is supposed to be. It is the part of the body responsible for preventing food from going back up. Because it is looser, it is not yet that efficient at doing its job.
Eosinophilic esophagitis and Sandifer syndrome are also known triggers. In the first condition, eosinophil (a type of white blood cell) injures the esophagus lining. The second condition is a lot less common than the other triggers. This complication of GERD causes your baby to tilt and rotate their head in an unnatural way.
Does Formula Make Baby Reflux Worse?
It depends. Your baby may be intolerant to a protein in cow's milk, like we mentioned earlier. Cow milk-based formulas will indeed make your baby's acid reflux worse if that is the case. Other formula types would be better. However, we recommend speaking to your doctor if you want to change your baby's formula due to acid reflux.
When compared to breast milk, breast milk will always be better. Aside from being healthier for your baby, especially for newborns, breast milk contains antibodies. These can help heal your baby's sore and damaged gut areas.
Does Warm Formula Help with Reflux?
Some claim that warming formulas can help with reflux, but there is little evidence of this. You can try and see how your baby would react to it. Warming formula is considered generally safe as long as you properly do it.
Do not use boiled water or use a microwave oven to heat the infant formula. Instead, use running warm water to warm the bottle. Alternatively, use a bottle warmer, like the Momcozy Bottle Warmer, to get it to the desired temperature. The advantage of using this device is that you can rest assured that it will not overheat the formula milk or cause hot spots.
What are the Differences Between Cold and Warm Milk in Acid Reflux?
Cold milk could be better than warm milk for adults trying to cure acid reflux. However, more research is needed to prove that it is the same for babies. The thing about cold milk is that it can ease the discomfort - the pain and burning sensation - one feels during acid reflux.
Babies can drink cold milk. In fact, many feed their baby with cold milk to relieve the pain from teething. So, it is something that you can try. As always, it is best to consult your doctor first to know what's the best thing to do.
How To Soothe Acid Reflux in Babies?
Adjusting the milk's temperature is not the only thing you can do to avoid triggering acid reflux. Here are some infant feeding tips that can help.
Try Smaller, More Frequent Feedings

The chances of your baby spitting up increases as they become fuller. That said, you may want to shorten your feeding sessions. Please note that you will need to feed your baby more often if you choose this. Your baby will become hungry faster since they are not getting as much milk in these shorter feeding sessions. Frequent feedings ensure that they still get enough for their growth.
Upright Feeding
Feed your baby in an upright position. This method leverages gravity to help ensure that the milk you are giving them will not go back up. Keep your baby in this position for about 30 minutes after the feeding session. That ensures that your baby can absorb the nutrients.
Change Your or Your Baby's Diet
Suppose you are breastfeeding. What you eat and drink has an effect on your breast milk. That said, you should avoid food that can trigger acid reflux. That includes alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, high-fat foods, and chocolates.
If you are formula feeding instead, consider changing the formula type. Move away from using formulas based on cow milk, as that is a common offender in triggering acid reflux.
You can also thicken the milk with cereal. But get a doctor's approval before you do this.
Change Nipple Size in Feeding Bottles
Your baby may also be taking air when they are feeding from a bottle. That can trigger acid reflux. You should use feeding bottles with smaller holes in the nipple to prevent that. Also, make sure that the said nipple is filled with milk throughout the feeding session.
FAQs about reflux in babies
Here are more questions about acid reflux in babies:
How Can I Reduce My Baby's Acid Reflux?
You should try the solutions we listed above. Feed your baby in an upright position, change your diet, and make feedings smaller but more frequent. These actions can help prevent triggering acid reflux.
What Age Is Reflux the Worst in Babies?
Reflux in babies is the worst at 4 to 5 months old. However, it starts much earlier. They usually experience acid reflux starting at around 2 months old.
Should I Be Worried About Baby Reflux?
Acid reflux in babies is normal. It goes away when they are around 9 months old. Therefore, it should not be a major concern. Of course, you want to avoid triggering it as much as possible. But they don't need to see a doctor if they have it unless the condition has become worse. For example, the spitting up turned into projectile vomiting.
Does warm milk help with acid reflux in babies? Some claim that it can but there is not enough proof of it. Nevertheless, breast milk that's straight out of the breast is warm. That said, there is no harm in warming bottled milk. For the best results, combine that with other strategies for reducing acid reflux. That includes changing your or your baby's diet and feeding in certain positions. With that, you can help prevent spitting up.