How Long to Breastfeed per Side: A Helpful Guide for Moms

How Long to Breastfeed per Side: A Helpful Guide for Moms

If you are a breastfeeding mom, for sure you have heard the advice that you should breastfeed with both breasts. It ensures your baby gets all the milk that they should get. Additionally, it helps prevent breast engorgement and manage your milk supply. But do you know how long to breastfeed per side? Continue reading to learn the correct duration and more.

Breastfeeding a baby.

How Long Should I Breastfeed My Newborn On Each Side?

There is no one true answer. When asking friends and family about their breastfeeding experience, you may have heard different answers regarding duration. Perhaps some told you they fed their baby 5 minutes with each breast. Then, another told you the whole session lasted 30 minutes. That's because babies are all different.

While there is no strict duration rule that you need to follow, as much as possible, nurse your baby on each breast for 5 - 13 minutes. Do it every 2-3 hours or when your baby is hungry.

Why Does the Duration Vary?

So, what factors cause the feeding time to vary? Here are the factors that influence the timing:

Differences in the Breasts

One of your breasts may be producing more milk than the other. As a result, your baby will feed on it longer. This is a result of an unbalanced milk supply. If you are consistent with starting to feed your baby on one side, it may produce more milk than the other. That is especially true if your baby fell asleep while feeding on it, giving them no time to feed on the other.

To prevent an imbalance in your milk supply, always offer both breasts and to your baby, and remember to alternate sides.

Frequency of Feedings

If feeding sessions are short, there will be more feeding sessions throughout the day. On the other hand, long feeding sessions result in fewer sessions. That is because on longer sessions, your baby will be getting a lot of milk. Thus, it will take long before they need to breastfeed again.

Letdown Differences

The letdown reflex is what's allowing your milk to flow out. Some mothers have strong letdowns, while others don't. If you have, your baby will be able to feed more easily. As a result, the feeding session will be short. Contrarily, if your letdown is slow, it will take a while before your baby becomes satisfied. Thus, the feeding session will be longer.

Baby's Ability to Breastfeed

As mentioned above, babies are all different. Some of them are efficient at extracting milk from their mothers' breasts, while others aren't. Then, you also have to consider the milk supply in each breast and your letdown reflex. Combined together, this affects how long a baby feeds on each breast.

What If My Newborn Is Eating Every Hour?

Mother breastfeeding a baby outside.

If your newborn baby is eating every hour, do not worry. It is part of a newborn's life. The stage is called the cluster feeding phase. In this stage, your newborn is establishing your milk supply. Also, they may be undergoing a growth spurt, causing their body to need more calories. That said, follow your newborn's hunger cues and feed them on demand.

Please note that cluster feeding may also happen when your baby is teething or sick. The antibodies and hormones in breast milk can make them feel better.

While cluster feeding is great for your baby, it may be tiring for you. Therefore, you should eat a healthy breastfeeding diet to get enough calories. Remember to stay hydrated and take breaks when you can.

Is A 20-Minute Feeding Session Long Enough for a Newborn?

Yes, a 20-minute feeding session is long enough for a newborn. In fact, they usually last 20 - 45 minutes. The duration varies due to the reasons outlined above.

To balance your milk supply, you should aim to feed your baby with both breasts, even if the session is only 20 minutes long. For that, you need to keep a keen eye for cues. Wait for your baby to stop suckling and open their hands. They will also appear relaxed or in a sleepy state. When this happens, break the suction and burp your baby. Then, offer your other breast.

On the next feeding session, offer your other breast first.

How Long Should an Older Baby Breastfeed?

An older baby may require less time to breastfeed because they can get nutrients from solid foods. Thus, on average, breastfeeding sessions last around 5 - 20 minutes. Please note that this depends on your baby's sucking efficiency and when they are last fed.

How Do I Know When My Baby is Done Breastfeeding on One Side?

There are several cues that tell you when a baby is done breastfeeding on one breast. As mentioned above, you can look at their hands. If they are not curled into a fist, they may be already satisfied. Besides that, pay attention to how fast they swallow. If it slows down, they are almost done breastfeeding on one side.

When Should I Offer A Second Breast?

Paying attention to your baby's activity is key to knowing when to offer the other breast. Once they are done with one side, they will do little sucks, but you won't hear them swallow. You can remove your baby from that breast and offer the other side. Before you do so, you can also compress the breast the baby is feeding from first to see if they'll start eating again. Suppose they don't. Offer the second breast.

Should I Offer A Second Breast If Baby Is Asleep?

If your baby falls asleep while feeding or after feeding from one breast, there is no need to disturb them. Allow them to get some rest. Then, when they wake up and require feeding, offer the second breast first.

Other Tips for Successful Nursing

Here are some additional tips you should know for successful breastfeeding.

Figure the Correct Position and Attachment

Use the first few weeks of breastfeeding to figure out the correct position and attachment. It ensures your baby will find it easy to drink milk from your breasts. Furthermore, it helps prevent potential problems that you might face on your breastfeeding journey.

Items like the Momcozy Multifunctional and Adjustable Nursing Pillow will be helpful here. It encourages you to have a better and more comfortable posture during breastfeeding sessions.

Use Nursing Bras

You may find minor inconveniences if you use regular bras when breastfeeding. It may even lead to discomfort. That said, you should try using nursing bras instead. They are made of more comfortable materials. Furthermore, they have latches that allow you to easily expose your nipples for breastfeeding. Also, they can support breasts that are heavier than usual because they contain milk.

If you are looking for good products, try Momcozy nursing bras. They have one-hand clips for effortless breastfeeding. Furthermore, they have adjustable straps, so you'll feel comfortable regardless of your size.

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Feed Your Baby Exclusively with Breastmilk in the First 6 Months

Pediatricians recommend that you feed your baby with only breastmilk in the first six months. Then, you can introduce cows' milk and solids. It is also helpful for you, the breastfeeding mother. Through regular breastfeeding, you can prevent issues like engorgement. It will also help you manage your milk supply. For example, it helps ensure that both breasts will have an equal amount of milk.


How long to breastfeed per side? There's no real answer, but the average session length is around 10 - 25 minutes. Divide these values by two, and you can figure out how long to breastfeed per side: 5 minutes - 13 minutes.

Watch your baby closely to catch instances when you can offer the other breast. It will help balance your milk supply. There will be times when your baby will fall asleep before you can offer the other breast. That's okay. Just remember to offer the other breast first in the next feeding.

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